Thursday, March 27, 2014

Core Component Of Human Health (Self-management)

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This article will be helpful to you in better understanding and improvement of your health. But, if you really want to improve you fitness as consequence of good health. By Nadia Hassan.
You must know these components of yours' health.
Everyone really wants to be healthy. There is no magic pill for instant tricky good health. Some efforts are necessary for healthy habits, let’s work with them.
Keys to healthy life style are eating right and being physically active. Here the term "eating right" means to eat according to what your body needs are and what is healthier. Core component of human health is the self-management. You should put efforts to make your self healthier. You should self-discipline yourself by controlling yourself in a systematic way. Better choices can be made only after having proper knowledge and information about the possibilities. What you and we all need is to start with slow and steady approach. Below are some steps, in fact small steps to kick off towards the best that we can do:

  • Take care of what you are eating and how much physical active you are.
  • Know about your BMI (body mass index). Figure out either you are normal, under-weight, over-weight or obese.
  • Know about your calories requirements. It varies from person to person and even differs at your different age time. Knowing about your calories need is very important it directly associated with your weight. Setting your calorie goal is necessary to maintain healthy weight.
  • Know about your risk factors. You may have family history of disease or born in an unhealthy environment, where pollution is high but it is not your fault. For family history go for screening tests. Better health can be ensured in long run by finding the disease early before the symptoms appear. You can reduce risk factors by adopting healthier habits. Most can be gained by making lifestyle changes.

Think about improvements. Make day-in and day-out choices to practice healthier life-style. After knowing how to get started make your personal profile (given below) indicates your health status. Your personal profile would direct you to make smart food and fitness choices. Set your goal and believe that this is going to make difference. Make real commitment and stick to the plan.

Download this chart and use it to better
understand your health.


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